
Wednesday, 28 September 2016

iOS 10 more stable than Android Nougat? Nougat crashes way more than iOS 10

Although android Nougat was greatly anticipated and was successfully launched a while back, an issue has been seen lately in the newest version of android.

When compared to iOS 10, Android Nougat crashes more. This might be disanointing news for many Android enthusiasts as Android Nougat had aimed to perfect the Android ecosystem.

According to a new report released by Apteligent on Tuesday, Nougat has 2.5 times more network crashes whe compared to its competitor, iOS 10. A network crash is essentially when an app crashes because of difficulties communicating with the cloud. If we set aside the network crashes, Nougat also has more crashes overall. In general , Nougat Crashes 6.4% of the time while iOS 1 crashes 4.1% of the time.

Nougats stability issue is particularly stark when compared to the previous version of Android, Android marshmallow. Most of the Android users are currently running marshmallow. According to Apteligent , Android marshmallow at the time of release was much more stable than Android Nougat.


Currently, the adoption rate of Android Nougat is very low at only 0.2%, meaning only that percentage of android users are currently running android nougat on their devices. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that Nougat hasn't been officially released for many phones by their respective manufacturers. It should also be noted that the crash rate for Android Nougat has decreased greatly since the initial release and it is expected to be more stable over time.  However for now, as far as app stability goes, iOS 10 wins the battle over Android Nougat.


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